Our Contacts

Office EWCPS2017 contact mail us

Office EWCPS2017 contact mobile phone  +43 677 624 566 31

The EWCPS2017 staff will try to do its utmost to assist you with any questions or queries concerning the conference.

Organization Team

Thomas Prohaska
Chair - BOKU

Thomas Prohaska

Johanna Irrgeher
Co-Chair - HZG

Johanna Irrgeher

Stephan Hann

Stephan Hann

Daniel Proefrock

Daniel Proefrock

Andreas Zitek

Andreas Zitek


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
in collaboration with the
Helmholtz-Centre for Materials and Coastal Research Geesthacht

We are located in

Vienna BOKU

Konrad Lorenz Straße 24
3430 Tulln a. d. Donau

Geesthacht HZG

Max-Planck-Straße 1
21502 Geesthacht