Dr. Björn Meermann is a research associate in the group of apl. Prof. Thomas Ternes within the Department of Aquatic Chemistry at the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) in Koblenz, Germany since 2012, as well as a “Habilitand” in association with the University of Koblenz-Landau since 2014.
He received his Dr. rer. nat. degree in Analytical Chemistry in 2009 from the University of Münster working on technical aspects of hyphenated techniques for speciation analysis of environmentally relevant chemical elements in the group of Prof. Uwe Karst.
Afterwards, he worked for almost two years as a Post-Doctoral researcher at Ghent University (Belgium) in the group of Prof. Frank Vanhaecke on the topic of speciation analysis of halogen-based drug metabolites by means of HPLC/ICP-MS and on-line isotope dilution.
His current research interests are focused on the topic of nanoparticle analysis by means of AF4/ICP-SFMS in combination with on-line isotope dilution and stable isotope tracers, as well as method development for speciation analysis of chemical elemental species in surface waters by means of HPLC/ICP-MS and CE/ICP-SFMS.