Diego Bouzas Ramos
Affiliation: Dept. of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, University of Oviedo, Spain
Topic: Determination of the stoichiometry CdSe/ZnS quantum dot to antibody in bioconjugates by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation coupled on-line to elemental mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ) (award sponsored by Berghof)
Topic: Determination of the stoichiometry CdSe/ZnS quantum dot to antibody in bioconjugates by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation coupled on-line to elemental mass spectrometry (ICP-QQQ) (award sponsored by Berghof)

María Cruz-Alonso
Affiliation: Analytical Spectrometry Research Group; Dept. of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, University of Oviedo, Spain
Topic: Quantitative imaging of potential protein biomarkers in oral cancer tissues with LA-ICP-MS using bioconjugated gold nanoclusters
Topic: Quantitative imaging of potential protein biomarkers in oral cancer tissues with LA-ICP-MS using bioconjugated gold nanoclusters

Hannah Holtkamp
Affiliation: Bioionorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Hartinger Lab, The University of Auckland, NZ
Topic: Towards routine capillary electrophoresis hyphenation to ICP-MS
Topic: Towards routine capillary electrophoresis hyphenation to ICP-MS

Balázs Klencsár
Affiliation: University of Ghent, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Ghent, Belgium
Topic: Determination of the total content of drug-related chlorine and chlorine speciation in human blood plasma using high performance liquid chromatography – tandem ICP- mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS/MS)
Topic: Determination of the total content of drug-related chlorine and chlorine speciation in human blood plasma using high performance liquid chromatography – tandem ICP- mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS/MS)

Thiago Linhares Marques
Affiliation: Group for Applied Instrumental Analysis, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil
Topic: Application of high pressure microwave-assisted digestion flow system for juice and milk sample preparation
Topic: Application of high pressure microwave-assisted digestion flow system for juice and milk sample preparation

Anika Retzmann
Affiliation: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Department of Chemistry, Division of Analytical Chemistry, VIRIS Laboratory, Austria
Topic: Spectral insights: Multi-dimensional approach to evaluate the diagenetic status of skeletal remains with respect to strontium isotope ratio measurements
Topic: Spectral insights: Multi-dimensional approach to evaluate the diagenetic status of skeletal remains with respect to strontium isotope ratio measurements

Carlos Sánchez Rodríguez
Affiliation: Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Sciences. University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Topic: Fundamental studies on the ions distribution in ICP-MS for ethanol-water matrices and its application to the determination of metals in bioenthanol
Topic: Fundamental studies on the ions distribution in ICP-MS for ethanol-water matrices and its application to the determination of metals in bioenthanol

Justyna Wojcieszek
Affiliation: Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Topic: Single particle ICP-MS characterization of engineered nanoparticles uptake and bioaccumulation by edible plants
Topic: Single particle ICP-MS characterization of engineered nanoparticles uptake and bioaccumulation by edible plants

Zakon Yevgeni
Affiliation: Department of Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Topic: Development of δ37Cl isotope analysis by Ion Chromatography/MC-ICPMS and its application for studying biodegradation of perchlorate
Topic: Development of δ37Cl isotope analysis by Ion Chromatography/MC-ICPMS and its application for studying biodegradation of perchlorate

Lingna Zheng
Affiliation: Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Topic: Quantitative analysis of Gd@C82(OH)22 and cisplatin uptake in single cells by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
Topic: Quantitative analysis of Gd@C82(OH)22 and cisplatin uptake in single cells by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry