Short course
An overview of the basics of Chemical Measurement Science will be given. Concepts related to measurement traceability, comparability and uncertainty will be discussed. Efforts related to standardization in measurement science will be presented including ISO 17025/ 17034 (standards related to the competence of analytical laboratories and certified reference material producers). Practical examples of creating and using certified reference materials (CRMs) for method development and validation will be given. A short update on the status of redefinition of the chemical unit mole will be given.

Dr. Zoltán Mester was born and raised in Hungary. He completed his PhD in chemistry splitting his time between his alma mater in Budapest and the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development in Rome, Italy. After a short postdoctoral stint at the University of Waterloo, Canada in 1999 he joined the chemistry program of the Institute for National Measurement Standards, National Research Council Canada in Ottawa.
Since 2010 he is heading the Chemical Metrology program at NRC. His research interest encompasses analytical mass spectrometry, sampling, sample preparation and sample introduction. Since 2004 he has been serving at the Analytical Chemistry Division of IUPAC currently as the Vice President of the Division.
Dr. Mester also represents Canada at the Comité consultatif pour la quantité de matière – métrologie en chimie (CCQM). He is chairing the Canadian ISO/REMCO Committee. He has served as the review editor of Spectrochimica Acta B and is currently a member of the Editorial Board of Analytica Chimica Acta. He has published over 160 papers 3 book chapters and book on sample preparation.